[C895.Ebook] Download PDF Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

Download PDF Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

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Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

Download PDF Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

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Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine

Take a little Horror home with you!

Ray Gordon loves to scare his younger brother, Brandon. It's not hard considering Brandon is terrified of everything--loud noises, roller coasters, and especially the wooden dummy, Slappy, that Ray got from Jonahttan Chiller's HorrorLand gift shop.

In order to throw his big New Year's Even party, Ray's parents make him promise to leave Brandon alone. But strange, mean-spirited things keep happening to his little brother, and Slappy always seems to be around for it. Could those words Ray read out loud actually have brought the dummy to life?

  • Sales Rank: #139620 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-31
  • Released on: 2015-03-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
R.L. Stine's books have sold more than 300 million copies, making him one of the most popular children's authors in history. Besides Goosebumps, R.L. Stine has written series including: Fear Street, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room, and Dangerous Girls. R.L. Stine lives in New York with his wife, Jane, and his King Charles spaniel, Minnie. www.RLStine.com.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Entire series great for reluctant readers
By VA Mom
My son went through a phase where he read all of these books during his required 15 minute reading every day. He is not a reader and would rather do anything else, but this series held his interest long enough for him to fulfill his homework assignment for school. It helped that this series was a hit in his 3rd grade class amongst the boys, and he would trade them with his friends. The cover on these books always appeared scarier and much worse than what is actually written. My son was never scared about the content but was engaged in reading. I'd recommend these books for reluctant readers who are moving beyond picture books and into simple chapter books. I think ages 7-9 is the target audience.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Slappy new year
By Pinkprincess101
Hello guys so this book is mainly about a boy named ray Gordon and his brother Brandon they were invited to go to horrorland and thn they went to jonathon chillers gift shop and then ray see this dummy and jonathon told him about the legend if tht when you said the magic words the dummy will come to life of course ray I'd not believe that and his brother say no ray please don buy that and ray told him that you are such a scaredy cat .but ray bought it anyway then jonathon put it to come with the little horror and say bring a little horror home ith u when ray said Ho much will it costs jonathon say u can pay me next time when ray get home he read the word out loud of course he was kinda nervous but then bad mean spirited things keep happening to ray and his brother Brandon and slappy seem to be around for it then his parent keep blaming it on him one day they have enough f everything and told ray he couldn't have his new year party he nd his friends was really looking to this new year party the he tied to work hard and convinced his parents that he wouldn't get into trouble anymore the his parent let him but then slappy ruin everything again then later he realized that jonathon had said bring a little horror home with u when Ryan touch the horror i make him g back to horrorland he guessed that kpjonathon is making him pay now. I hope u guys enjoy my review about ths book i will try to get more review in please rate or me.

6 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Not the Best, but it is nice to have Slappy back
By Coffee Addicted Writer (Billy)
While at Horrorland, Ray Gordon stops by the gift shop The Chiller House. He buys a wooden dummy named Slappy! His brother, Brandon, hates Slappy.

Ray returns home and begins planning his New Years Party that will take place in his basement. His parents promised he could have one as long as he is good to his little brother. However, strange things start happening to his little brother. Is Ray responsible or is Slappy alive?

Yes, the little mischievous Slappy is back. It seems that he cannot be destroyed. Slappy is one of my favorite characters from the Goosebumps series, and I am glad to see him back. The problem with the book is that it has the same basic plotlines from the previous Slappy books. Slappy use to be scary, but now he is a silly character that plays pranks on the kids. It is not the best book in the series, but it is still enjoyable to read.

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Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine PDF

Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine PDF
Slappy New Year! (Goosebumps Horrorland #18), by R.L. Stine PDF


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