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All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, by Dorothy Day

All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, by Dorothy Day

All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, by Dorothy Day

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All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, by Dorothy Day

“The publication of the letters of Dorothy Day is a significant event in the history of Christian spirituality.” —Jim Martin, SJ, author of My Life with the Saints
Dorothy Day, cofounder of the Catholic Worker movement, has been called the most significant, interesting, and influential person in the history of American Catholicism. Now the publication of her letters, previously sealed for 25 years after her death and meticulously selected by Robert Ellsberg, reveals an extraordinary look at her daily struggles, her hopes, and her unwavering faith.

This volume, which extends from the early 1920s until the time of her death in 1980, offers a fascinating chronicle of her response to the vast changes in America, the Church, and the wider world. Set against the backdrop of the Depression, World War II, the Cold War, Vatican II, Vietnam, and the protests of the 1960s and ’70s, she corresponded with a wide range of friends, colleagues, family members, and well-known figures such as Thomas Merton, Daniel Berrigan, César Chávez, Allen Ginsberg, Katherine Anne Porter, and Francis Cardinal Spellman, shedding light on the deepest yearnings of her heart. At the same time, the first publication of her early love letters to Forster Batterham highlight her humanity and poignantly dramatize the sacrifices that underlay her vocation.
“These letters are life-, work-, and faith-affirming.” —National Catholic Reporter

  • Sales Rank: #921852 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-04-10
  • Released on: 2012-04-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.28" w x 8.20" l, 1.03 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 624 pages

About the Author
Robert Ellsberg is the publisher of Orbis Books. For five years (1975-1980) he
was part of the Catholic Worker community in New York City, serving for two
years as managing editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper. He has edited
Dorothy Day: Selected Writings and has co-edited A Penny a Copy: Readings
from the Catholic Worker. This volume is a companion to his previous book, The
Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day, which won two First Place Book
Awards from the Catholic Press Association. His own books include All Saints,
The Saints' Guide to Happiness, and Blessed Among All Women. He lives in
Ossining, New York.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

This volume and its companion, The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day, complete the publication of Dorothy Day’s personal papers, part of the Dorothy Day–Catholic Worker Collection housed at Marquette University’s Raynor Memorial Libraries in Milwaukee, Wiscon­sin. According to her wishes, these materials were sealed for twenty-five years after her death in 1980.
After receiving an invitation from the University in 2005 to edit these writ­ings, I chose to begin first with the diaries. That project was a greater editorial challenge, both in terms of the sheer quantity of material to be transcribed, and the difficulty of deciphering Day’s handwriting. In contrast, it was a posi­tive relief to turn to the letters. As these were intended to be read, at least by their recipients, they were mercifully legible—many of them typed. The relatively limited number of letters, however, was a disappointment.
While she spent little time each day writing in her diary—sometimes only a few minutes—Day evidently spent many hours writing letters. Many of these were short notes, postcards, polite acknowledgments, and the like. But in many other letters she poured out her thoughts and feelings in a personal way, quite different from her public writings. With the exception of letters of an official character, she did not keep carbons or drafts. Thus, the extent of the letters available for this collection reflects the choice of her correspon­dents to preserve them and their willingness, or that of their heirs, to make them available. I have no illusions that these letters represent any more than a small fraction of the many thousands of letters she wrote in her lifetime. Many letters to close friends, colleagues, and even family members were lost or discarded. Fortunately, a wealth of material remained, including her pre­cious early letters to Forster Battherham, to her daughter Tamar, to Ammon Hennacy, Thomas Merton, Catherine de Hueck Doherty, and many other lifelong friends and fellow travelers. In making the selection for this book, I included only those that seemed to hold particular interest. All were edited to omit repetition and inconsequential detail.

Many people helped with this project. I am particularly grateful to those who stepped forward, in response to my appeals, to share their letters from Dorothy Day. These include the Woodcrest Bruderhof, Sidney Callahan, Jeff Dietrich and Catherine Morris, Jim Douglass, Francisco Fernandez, Eric Gauchat (the son of Bill and Dorothy Gauchat), Judith Gregory, Father Paul Lachance, Karl Meyer, and the family of Karl Stern. I am immensely grate­ful to Kate and Martha Hennessy for their consistent encouragement of this project and for sharing Dorothy’s many cards and letters to her grandchildren. Johannah Turner, who grew up in the Catholic Worker, was exceptionally generous with her talents as a proofreader. Other careful readers were Tom Cornell and Jim Forest, whose long personal memories of the Catholic Worker story and many of its fabulous characters were an invaluable resource. Rachelle Linner and Julie Pycior helped track down sources. Pat Jordan and Frank Donovan offered critical assistance on numerous points. Thanks also to Rosalie Riegle, Claudia Larson, Jim Martin, Jim Allaire, George Horton, Michael Harank, and Gabrielle Earnshaw.
This project would not have been possible without the expert assistance of Phil Runkel, the dedicated archivist of the Dorothy Day–Catholic Worker Collection at Marquette University’s Raynor Memorial Libraries. It was he who obtained and catalogued the majority of the letters selected here. For this work, as well as his tireless willingness to pursue all leads, no matter how unlikely, and for his patient attention to any and all questions, he has been a true partner in this project. I am grateful to Matt Blessing, Head of Special Collections and Archives at Marquette, for initially entrusting this project to me and for his many years of support. It has been an honor to work again with Andrew Tallon, director of Marquette University Press, who, together with Maureen Kondrick, oversaw every aspect of this publication. In addi­tion, once again I wish to thank the Archdiocese of New York and Marquette University’s Edward Simmons Religious Commitment Fund for their gener­ous financial support.
I am glad for an opportunity to thank Dorothy’s daughter, Tamar Hennessy, who preserved so many of these letters, and who was generous, in the final months of her life, in sharing memories of her parents. Readers of The Duty of Delight as well as this book will appreciate that some of these memories were not particularly happy. Tamar deeply loved her mother and treasured her as­sociation with the Catholic Worker. But she was initially apprehensive about publishing private materials that stirred up complicated emotions. In the end, I am glad that she made her peace with the past and with this project, and I am grateful for the trust she placed in me.
Finally, it is only right to acknowledge my debt to Dorothy Day, whom I met in 1975 when I was nineteen and who asked me, just a few months later, to take on the job of editing The Catholic Worker. I could not know at that time just how significant this assignment would be, nor how much her example and her spirit would dominate the rest of my life. I possess only one letter from Dorothy, a picture postcard—like countless others she wrote, too insignificant to include in this collection. I received it while fasting in a jail cell in Colorado where I was confined as a result of an anti-nuclear protest. It was an aerial picture of Cape Cod. On the reverse she had written:

Dear Bob—Hope this card refreshes you and does not tantalize you. We all love
you and hold you in our prayers. Dan Mauk will feature you on the first page in
CW. Love in Christ, Dorothy

I knew that Dorothy’s bedroom wall was covered with postcards like this: pictures of mountains, deserts, tropical birds, and polar bears. … I hung her card on the wall of my cell and I have remembered it many times since. It has never ceased to refresh me.

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
meeting a more hidden Dorothy Day
By Jim Forest
Dorothy Day was a prolific letter writer but until now few of her letters were available. The hundreds of letters in the Catholic Worker archive at Marquette University were sealed for the first 25 years following her death in 1980. With the publication of All the Way to Heaven, finally those who value her life have access to a more private Dorothy, in some ways familiar, in other ways full of surprises.

The letters shed fresh light on her struggles, her faith, her spiritual life, her life in community, her relationship with her common-law husband, Forster Batterham, and with her daughter Tamar and with her grandchildren. The result is a rich, three-dimensional portrait of one the most remarkable Americans of the twentieth century.

Robert Ellsberg's introduction is itself one of the book's treasures. Dorothy's life, he notes, "involved constant letter-writing: acknowledging and thanking contributors, responding to queries from priests and church officials, answering critics, exhorting and encouraging fellow Catholic Workers around the country, writing letters to editors and city agencies, letters of support to prisoners of conscience, advice on practical aspects of hospitality, or pastoral responses to young people coping with existential crises and spiritual struggles. When she traveled there were also letters home, or letters to her daughter Tamar and her grandchildren. There were letters to old friends and to innumerable strangers. In every case she connected intensely with the needs of her correspondents, just as she did with the people at hand. In reading and responding to letters, Dorothy responded not just to the particularities of the moment; she saw her correspondents' struggles, their yearnings, their sufferings in relation to the universal human condition, and as part of a drama that linked this life and the life to come. As she liked to quote St. Catherine of Siena, the fourteenth-century mystic, `All the way to Heaven is heaven.'"

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Window into Dorothy Day's life and work
By Jon M. Sweeney
This terrific collection of letters offers glimpses of the daily life and work of Dorothy Day. Her correspondents are sometimes famous, such as Allen Ginsberg and Thomas Merton, and there are plenty of letters here written to other key figures in the Catholic renaissance movement of social justice from the 20th century, such as Daniel Berrigan, Jim Forrest, and Fritz Eichenberg. But my favorite moments are letters written to the IRS (the Catholic Worker never paid federal income tax) and to priests and monsignors who objected to the liberal positions published in the paper.
One final note: The press has published the book beautifully and lastingly. You will appreciate the sewn binding and pass this book on to your grandchildren.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A Great Representation of a true Servant of God
By Sarah Dozier
The Catholic Worker Movement, as I see it, was and is a personal movement that seeks to alleviate the suffering of the poor and promote Christian tenets of peace in a non-Christian society. That's a gross simplification, but when the Worker was founded and grew, some of its foremost interests were providing alternatives to war and addressing a growing disparity between rich and poor. For more information, I would suggest looking at Catholic Worker [dot] Org's web page.

So, the Catholic Worker was not only a House of Hospitality (addressing bodily and spiritual needs of the poor) but also a newspaper. Some call it a radical movement, and in my reading of Dorothy Day's letters, I definitely see that her views and the views of the Worker were radical. But not in the often used sense of the word radical- the one that dismisses others as "extreme". No, her views were radical but in the oldest sense of the word: going to the root. She, Peter Maurin, and the other Workers went to the root and heart of Christianity. The center of Christ's teaching to care for the poor, to turn the other cheek, to love others, to live sacrificially. That's radical.

Day is also often referred to, punnily enough, as a Saint for our day- which I think is apt. She reflected and addressed timeless concerns, but also modern concerns: abortion, the decay of family, modern warfare.

The book itself, as the title indicates, is a collection of Day's letters to various clergy, politicians, and laypeople. Day was a prolific letter writer and wrote to the likes of Alan Ginsberg, Eunice Shriver, Thomas Merton, Cesar Chavez. She wrote tenderly, honestly, passionately. She wrote every day, and though the collection is but a small sample of her letters (and does not include the responses of her recipients), at over 400 pages it is representative of a woman whose passion and zeal for justice and peace in the modern era are nothing short of inspirational.

I find it a little hard to "review" a book that is really a collection of letters, because there is no plot. No story line. It isn't a biography, so I can't fault it on accuracy or inaccuracy as it were. It is a presentation of Day herself, and I find Day's words so remarkable that I can't help but begin there.

To share her words, and let them speak for themselves.

The book is divided into a few different sections, each from a different place in Day's life, from her early common-law marriage to Forster Batterham to her last days:

A Love Story

House of Hospitality

Called to Be Saints

Bearing Witness

Prayer and Protest


All Is Grace

"We will print the words of Christ who is with us always, `Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute you.' We are at war, a declared war with Japan, Germany and Italy. But still we can repeat Christ's words each day, holding them close in our hearts, and each month printing them in the paper. In times past, Europe has been a battlefield. But let us remember St. Francis, who spoke of peace. We will quote our Pope, our saints, our priests. We will go on printing the articles which remind us today that we are all called to be saints, that we are other Christs, reminding us of the priesthood of the laity. We are still pacifists.

Our manifesto is the Sermon on the Mount, which means that we will try to be peacemakers. Speaking for many of our conscientious objectors, we will not participate in armed warfare or in making weapons... We will try daily, hourly, to pray for an end to the war. Let us add that unless we combine this prayer with almsgiving, in giving to the least of God's children, and fasting in order that we may help feed the hungry, and penance in recognition of our share in the guilty, our prayer may become empty words" (166).

"One of the Quakers said it was the fault of the peace movement for having such a sense of urgency. The kids are almost hysterically afraid underneath and want to eat, drink, and be merry because they feel death is so close. Also it is a complete rebellion against authority, natural and supernatural, even against the body and its needs... This is not reverence for life, this certainly is not natural love for family... It is a great denial, and it is far more resembling nihilism than the revolution which they think they are furthering" (365).

"We are really all of us foundering towards a better life, a better social order- a real accomplishment in this day and age" (479).

"We very definitely are working for the new man and the new way so often spoken of in the Gospel and the Book of Acts... We talk of these things when invited to speak at colleges across the country and try to stimulate the young to study ways by which they can change the social and educational system non-violently, rebuilding society within the shell of the old, as Peter Maurin... always insisted" (481).

"Fr. Damasus Winzen said one time that the kind of love and concern and compassion we should have for each other is that exemplified in the Old Testament story in the account of either Elisha or Elias, who, when called on to restore the widow's son to life, went and placed his own body on the child's body, his eyes on his eyes, and his mouth on his mouth, and so restored him to life. But it certainly indicates how close we must be to each other! ... I am guilty of it all, closing my door, and seeking privacy as I do!" (478).

"[I] feel so shamed at all my own failings, complaints, dilatoriness, lack of attention to others, etc., etc." (478).

I could go on and on giving snippets of this woman's writings, but I think these few passages indicate a few very important things about Day: her attention and care for others, her emphasis on works of mercy, her thoughtfulness and concern regarding rampant sexuality, and her humility. Above all, it is her humility and sheer work ethic that I am most impressed with. As a Catholic Worker, her work was truly never done. She lived and worked in the same place, seeking to live out the Gospel in real ways, seeking to fulfill her calling here on Earth and being unafraid to work hard even in the face of criticism from everyone from heads of state to the Catholic bishops.

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All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, by Dorothy Day PDF
All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, by Dorothy Day PDF


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